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Everything you need to create a great visitor sign in experience.
96 articles
Introducing your team to Envoy VisitorsBefore you start signing in visitors, let your team know what changes to expect & how to make Envoy Visitors work with their workflow.
How your team uses VisitorsEnvoy Visitors impacts more than just account administrators, it will improve the visitor sign-in process for your whole team.
About Envoy VisitorsEnvoy Visitors is a digital visitor management system that’s changing how visitors sign-in at workplaces around the world.
Global overviewLearn how to get a quick overview of all your locations, visitors, devices and more.
Location overviewLearn more about how to get a collective view of your visitors across all the locations you manage.
Activity logLearn how to stay up to date on the changes made to your account: see which settings changed, who changed them and when.
Set up checklist for VisitorsYour step-by-step list for setting up your Envoy Visitors account.
Returning VisitorsLearn how to customize what Envoy remembers when a Visitor signs in.
Proof of vaccination & test result tracking for VisitorsLearn how to set up and review proof of vaccination and test results for visitors
Visitor TypesLearn how to create custom sign-in flows for every type of visitor.
Respondent settingsLearn how to hide specific sign-in fields from Visitors or Employees upon inviting and signing in.
Sign-in FlowsSet up sign-in flows that capture visitor information like name, contact details, and more.
About sign-in fieldsLearn how to customize the sign in flow to fit your companies needs.
Invite ApprovalsEnable invite approvals for single, recurring, bulk, and group invites.
How to sign in visitorsLearn more about the multiple ways you can sign in visitors.
Touchless sign-inLearn how to have Touchless sign-in with Envoy Mobile.
Plus one sign-inEnvoy’s plus one sign-in feature allows one visitor to sign in with additional unspecified visitors.
Touchless walk-insLearn how to have a touchless sign-in experience for your walk-up visitors.
Offline modeIf iPads become disconnected from Wi-Fi, visitors can still sign in. Learn how the iPad operates offline in this article.
Tips for using Visitors at eventsWhether or not you use Envoy Visitors at your front desk, it can be a great addition to events like meetups, small conferences & gatherings
Create smart workflows with rulesLearn how to set up workflows that save your team time and make security foolproof with rules.
Static QR code displayLearn how to enable and use a static QR code or link for visitor sign-ins.
How to sign out visitorsLearn about the benefits of using sign-out and the different ways you can sign out visitors.
About legal document signingWith Envoy Visitors, you can prompt visitors to electronically sign a legal document when they sign in. Learn how it works below!
Setting up legal document signingThis article outlines setting up and configuring your legal documents, such as NDAs or safety waivers.
Setting up legal document storageThis article outlines how to set up and configure the different ways you can store signed legal documents.
About the badge printerLearn how the basics of how the badge printer works.
Badge settingsLearn about the benefits of printing badges and customizing your badge settings
Common CSS customizationsThis article outlines how to further customize your badge display and layout with custom CSS.
Reprinting and preprinting badgesThis article outlines how to reprint and preprint badges.
How do I order or reorder badges?Learn how to order or reorder badges
About visitor photosWith Envoy Visitors, you can automatically capture a photo of every visitor.
Setting up visitor photosThis article outlines how to set up and configure visitor photo settings.
Tips for getting good photosIf you’re capturing visitor photos, here's some tips to ensure you get a crisp, high quality photo!
About host notificationsWith Envoy Visitors, you can automatically notify your employees when visitors arrive to see them.
Setting up host notificationsThis article outlines how to set up and configure host notifications.
Assistant notificationsThe assistants feature gives Envoy administrators the flexibility to specify who receives notifications for certain employees.
Delivery contact notificationsSetting a delivery contact allows you to alert a designated employee in your directory every time a package is delivered.
Fallback notificationsLearn about how to alert someone if there is no host for someones visit.
Printer out of paper notificationsLearn how to be notified when your printer runs out of badges.
iPad status alertsiPad status alerts notify your team when your device is offline. Learn about these notifications and how to customize them.
Troubleshooting notification issuesIf visitors are completing the sign-in process on your iPad but you’re not receiving host notifications, you can quickly troubleshoot.
BCC Host NotificationsFind out how to have all your Host Notifications be copied to a user at your company
About Registration with InvitesLearn how to improve your sign-in process with registration.
Setting up registration for InvitesThis article outlines how to set up and configure registration.
Group InvitesIf you’re expecting a large group of visitors, the group invites feature can help you easily manage your guests' details.
Configure the Invitation emailLearn about how to customize the Invitation Email.
How to register for your upcoming visitThis article will detail how your visitors can complete the registration process.
Near visit registrationLearn about Near visit registration for invited guests, ensuring that any information answered during registration is up to date.
Signing in with a QR code passHow to enable and use visitor QR code passes as an invited guest.
Envoy add-in for Microsoft Outlook CalendarThis article outlines how to use the Envoy add-in for Outlook to invite guests in Envoy from a meeting in Outlook.
Multi-location InvitesLearn how to send an invite for multiple locations.
Multiple Hosts on invitesAdd additional hosts to invites to ensure a great visitor experience.
Bulk InvitesInvite multiple visitors for multiple dates, all at once, with our bulk invites feature.
Using the Invites logView and manage pre-registered guests by using the Invites log.
About data securityLearn about Envoy's data security.
Security in your workplaceLean how Envoy can help with security in your workplace.
Block List for VisitorsLearn how to set up your company's Block list.
Watch listThis article will help you learn about our watch list feature.
ID CheckLearn how Envoy Visitors can help you keep track of which guests have had their IDs checked.
ID scanningAdd an extra layer of security to your sign-in with ID scanning.
Using Visitors for evacuationSince Visitors helps you keep track of who’s in the building, it can be a helpful resource in the event of emergency or evacuation.
Facial Recognition for VisitorsMake sign-in even faster by using Envoy's Facial recognition feature at your Visitors kiosk.
Configure the Welcome emailLearn how to configure and customize the Welcome email that Envoy sends out to your guests after sign-in.
About visitor emailsLearn more about managing the emails you send to visitors.
Setting up the welcome guideThis article outlines how to create and customize your location’s welcome guide.
Setting up the survey emailThis article outlines how to set up your survey email and select administrators to receive a weekly email summary of the results.
About the visitor sign-in kioskLearn how the basics of how the Visitors kiosk works with your location.
Setting up the visitor sign-in kioskLearn how to set up an iPad to work as your visitor sign-in kiosk.
Managing visitor sign-in kiosksLearn how to manage and monitor your iPads once they’re paired.
Troubleshooting iPad statusWe’ve rounded up a few common troubleshooting tips to ensure your iPad stays connected.
Welcome screen set-upCustomize the Visitors kiosk welcome screen to create a great first impression.