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About the badge printer

Learn how the basics of how the badge printer works.

Updated over a week ago

How the badge printer works

The badge printer works with the Visitor kiosk to provide instant, automatically printed visitor badges. When a guest signs in on the iPad, their visitor information is sent directly to the printer over an Internet connection (because of this, the iPad and printer must be on the same network). Once the printer “receives” the message, the badge will print in about one second.

Printing options for different plans

For Standard and Premium plans, you can connect one printer per location (no matter how many iPads you have paired). As visitors sign in, the badges will print in the order their entries were created.

On the Enterprise Plan, you have the option to connect multiple printers at any location.

Managing badge printers

You can see the printer that is paired at a given location—and see if it’s operational or offline—from any location’s devices page.

Tip: If you're a Global admin, you can view at-a-glance device status for all locations from Global overview > Devices.

Badges and badge design

  • Learn more about the types of supported badges in our visitor badges articles.

  • Learn more about enabling visitor badges in our badge settings article.

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