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Global overview

Learn how to get a quick overview of all your locations, visitors, devices and more.

Updated over a week ago

How the global overview works

As a Global Admin, you have permissions to view all the visitor entries, devices, settings, and more—at all the locations associated with your Envoy account. While it is sometimes helpful to do a deep dive into one location, it can also be helpful to get an overview of all locations.

The global overview feature allows Global Admins to see key details about multiple locations at a glance. Currently, the global overview lets you view locations, visitors, analytics, and devices at the global level.

Benefits of the global overview

  • Get information at a glance: No more clicking back and forth into different locations to view their visitor logs or location details.

  • Easily view current locations and add new locations from the same page.

  • Export full visitor history for all locations with one click.

Global locations

On the global locations page, you’ll see high-level information about your locations: the date they were created, the date of the last sign-in, and the average number of monthly visitors. You can also add locations from this page.

Global visitor log

The fully searchable global visitor log shows you a live list of visitors across all locations. You can filter this list to show visitors by location, host, and date or date range.

You can also export visitor data from your global visitor log. Export a filtered list, or choose to export all visitor data for all locations. Learn more about exporting visitor data.

Global analytics

Within the consolidated Analytics page in the Global overview, Global Admins can view their location(s) occupancy data, visitor data, desks data and scheduled reports.

Global devices

As a global administrator, it’s often important to know not only which devices are paired where, but also if they’re operational or not. The global devices page lets you see all of the Visitors kiosks' (iPads) and badge printers, their device status, IP address, iOS version, and more.

Move iPads or Printers connected to the wrong location

    1. Click over to the Printer tab if you need to do this for a printer as well

  1. Check the box (or boxes) next to the device(s) you wish to move

  2. Click Move to another location

  3. Select the new location

  4. Click Move iPads

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