The global invite log shows all invited Visitors and scheduled employees across all locations, regardless of registration completion status. You can also export visitor data from your global invite log. Learn more about exporting visitor data.
Using the Global Invite log
Navigate to Global Overview in the left-hand side dropdown menu.
Click on Visitors > Invite log. By default, today's invites will be displayed. Workplace customers will also see any employee reservations.
From here, you can set the date, location, and invite status filters.
Optionally, you can sort by Name, Purpose of Visit, or Due at. Just use the arrow button next to the column title!
Exporting the Global Invite log
You can export invites using the Export function on the right-hand side of the page.
Date range: Choose from a predetermined range or set custom dates.
Format: CSV or PDF
Default fields: Invitee data that is standard across all Envoy visitor types.
Custom fields: Additional sign-in fields custom to your company's flows.