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Exporting Employee Data

Learn how to export employee data from your employee log.

Updated over a week ago

How exporting employee data works

Exporting employee data can be helpful for record-keeping, audits, or compliance purposes.

There are a few places you can export employee data from - the Employee log, Employee attendance report, and the global Employee attendance report. The data you can see depends on the source. The Employee log will have the most specific sign-in data, while the attendance reports will focus on how many days each employee is onsite.

You can download a .csv file containing your preferred employee data in just a few clicks.

Export employee data per location

Using the Employee log

You can export employee sign-in at any location where Workplace is used.

  1. Click on Export in the upper right-hand corner. This will open a window where you can define the range of data you wish to export.

  2. Select the format you want to export and the data you wish to include.

    1. Date range: Choose from our preset ranges or set a custom range using the calendar dropdown.

    2. Format: CSV or PDF

    3. Default fields: Name, Host, Company name, E-mail, Invite Status, Invite group name, Location name, Approval time, Purpose of visit (sign in flow name), Security, Sign in time, Desk, Inviter name, Private notes, Expected arrival time

    4. Custom fields: Any additional fields included in your employee reservation flow. No data will appear here if you do not have questions on your reservation flow.

  3. Afer making your data selections, click Export. The download should start immediately. It will be titled invites_location_export [Location] YYYY-MM-DD.csv or invites_location_export [Location] YYYY-MM-DD.pdf.

Using the Attendance by employee report

The Employee attendance report is the ideal source to export data on attendance. It will not include data related to sign-in flows or desks, instead focusing on onsite policy compliance and average attendance habits.

Example of data included in an attendance export:

Employee name

Employee email

Primary location



Week Start Date

Week End Date








Total attendance days

Adherence to policy

  1. Navigate to Analytics > Attendance by employee at the location you want to export.

  2. Apply any filters, if desired, like date, department, team, adherence, and travel status.

  3. Click on the download button in the top right corner of the Attendance report to start a download of data.

  4. For a weekly report, the file is titled location weekly_attendance_export YYYY-MM-DD.csv. Other periods of time will have corresponding titles.

  5. You can repeat this download as many times as you need - there is no limit to the number of reports you can export.

Export global employee data

The global attendance report compiles the reports for all workplace locations in one place. Like the location-level attendance report, it will not include data related to sign-in flows or desks.

  1. Apply any filters, if desired, like date, location, department, team, adherence, and travel status.

  2. Click on the download button in the top right corner of the Attendance report to start a download of data.

  3. For a weekly report, the file is titled weekly_attendance_export YYYY-MM-DD.csv. Note there is no location name in the title, since this is a global report.

  4. You can repeat this download as many times as you need - there is no limit to the number of reports you can export.

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