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Global Analytics for Workplace

View your workplace data across all sites by using the global overview.

Updated over 11 months ago


Instead of switching between locations and viewing data in separate sets, you can use the Global overview to explore compiled data from all locations.

The global overview includes the following analytics pages: Occupancy, Attendance, and Desks.

Let's go over how to read the data and add filters for further details.

Global Occupancy

The Occupancy dashboard combines data from multiple areas, including Workplace check-ins, Visitors, Desks, and Rooms.

Navigate to Global Overview > Analytics > Occupancy to view the global occupancy dashboard.

  • Filter by location(s), department, visitor types, and date range.

Data you can view in the Global Occupancy dashboard

Utilization by location

This line graph shows a breakdown of the total attendance rates for each location based on headcount. If headcount is missing, capacity is used. Each location is represented by a different colored line. You can hover over each intersection to see details.

Attendance by location

This bar chart shows the total unique attendees, broken out by location. As with the Utilization by location graph above, you can hover over each date to see specifics.

Average attendance per location

This chart shows the average count of unique attendees at each location, broken out by day, week, and month.

Average attendance by day of the week

Averages of unique attendees, broken out by day of week

Average attendance frequency by location

The average of how frequently employees come in per week is broken down by location. If headcount data is unavailable for a specific location(s), 0x is also unavailable.

​Global Attendance overview

Using Employee attendance analytics, Global admins can efficiently view how often employees are in the workplace at each location.

The Attendance overview will appear first, with the detailed Employee attendance report available in another tab.

  • Filter by date range, location, department, manager, and adherence. Employee travel status and check-in method are available under More filters.

Data you can view in the Global Attendance analytics - Attendance overview dashboard

Average weekly attendance by location

The average weekly attendance is calculated by dividing total check-ins across all locations by the number of full 7-day weeks. Only completed weeks are counted to reflect attendance accurately. Data includes visiting employees at each location.

Employee adherence by assigned location

This chart shows the total number of workplace attendees assigned to a location, grouped by their adherence status. It relies on the use of the primary location, set in the employee directory. You can hover over each bar to see more details.

Attendance by location

This chart shows the count of workplace check-ins to each location. This data includes visiting employees at each location. You can hover over the bar to see more details.

Onsite statuses by assigned location

Total workplace attendees assigned to a location, grouped by their onsite status. Different colors represent different statuses - Onsite, work from home, and time off. You can view details by hovering over each location's data bar.

Work from home and Time off status available with HRIS integration.

Check-in method by location

Total workplace check-ins are grouped by check-in method. Workplaces can support the following methods:

Data you can view in the Global Attendance analytics - Employee attendance report

Navigate to Global overview > Analytics > Attendance. Select Employee attendance report from the top navigation.

From here, you can filter which data is shown and how it is sorted.

  • Filter by date range, location, department, manager, adherence, travel status, and check-in method.

  • Sort by name, department, total attendance days, and adherence to policy.

  • Display the report results on a daily, weekly, monthly, or total during the date range selected.​

Daily View

The following is shown when viewing a Daily attendance report:

  • Employee name: The employee's name and email.

  • Location: The employee's primary location.

  • Department: An employee's department, set in the directory.

  • Date: The specific day shown.

  • On-site status: If the employee was on-site for that day

  • Check-in time: What time that employee checked in.

  • Check-in method: How the employee checked in that day. Potential check-in methods are badge sign-in, wifi sign-in, geolocation sign-in, admin sign-in, Integration sign-in, and self sign-in.

Weekly View

The following is shown when viewing a Weekly attendance report:

Monthly View

The following is shown when viewing a Monthly attendance report:

  • Employee name: The employee's name and email.

  • Location: The employee's primary location. N/a will show if an employee does not have a primary location defined.

  • Department: An employee's department, set in the directory.

  • Date range: The month currently shown. Please note the date range shows a calendar month, but the data only comes from the month selected. For example, February 2024 started on a Thursday, so the date range starts on Sunday 1/28 to provide a full 7-day week.

  • Onsite days: The total number of check-ins across each location. Hovering over the data reveals more details, like which locations the employee checked in at.

  • Working remotely: The total number of weekdays the employee was not on-site. Available with an HRIS integration.

  • Time-off days: The number of PTO days the employee had during the month. Available with HRIS integration.

  • Excluded days: The number of days per month not counted towards the attendance policy, like weekends. Company holidays can be excluded with HRIS integration.

  • Average weekly attendance: The calculated average of how many days an employee checked in per week.

  • Adherence to policy: Yes or no, depending on whether or not the employee met the in-office policy.

Tip: If you have a smaller screen, you might need to scroll horizontally to view all available data.

Total View

  • Employee name: The employee's name and email.

  • Location: The employee's primary location. N/a will show if an employee does not have a primary location defined.

  • Department: An employee's department, set in the directory.

  • Date range: The date period shown. Please note the date period shows complete Sunday-Saturday weeks based on the date filters chosen at the top of the report.

  • Onsite days: The total number of check-ins across each location. Hovering over the data reveals more details, like which locations the employee checked in at.

  • Working remotely: The total number of weekdays the employee was not on-site. Available with an HRIS integration.

  • Time-off days: The number of PTO days the employee had during the month. Available with HRIS integration.

  • Excluded days: The number of days per month not counted towards the attendance policy, like weekends. Company holidays can be excluded with HRIS integration.

  • Average weekly attendance: The calculated average of how many days an employee checked in per week.

  • Adherence to policy: Yes or no, depending on whether or not the employee met the in-office policy.

Global Desks Analytics

This page allows you to view a comprehensive set of data about your desks across all locations. This can help you better understand how your space is used across the entire company.

At the top, you can filter which data is shown and how it is sorted.

  • Filter by which locations you want to view.

  • Display the report results for today, the Past 7 Days, the Past 30 Days, the past 60 Days, the past 90 Days, the Month-to-date, the Year-to-date, the next 7 Days, the next 30 Days, or All Time. You can use the date selector to define a custom range.

Data you can view in the Global Desks analytics

Stats at a glance

The top bar will display the following data:

  • Total reservations: The count of all reservations made during the date period selection.

  • Changed reservations: The count of all reservations that were edited in some way.

  • Average daily reservations: The total number of reservations divided by the number of days selected.

  • Current desks enabled: The number of desks enabled across all locations.

Desk utilization

This graph shows the number of desks booked across the selected period of time, broken down by check-in status. An additional line illustrates the current number of desks enabled. You can hover over each bar to see the numerical breakdown.

Employees usage

This chart shows all employees who make desk reservations, sorted from highest to lowest number of reservations. The arrows at the bottom allow you to scroll through the complete list of employees.

Desk usage by location

This graph breaks down the number of desks booked by location. you can hover over each date to see more details.

Desk usage by neighborhood

This graph shows all neighborhoods across all locations and the number of desks booked daily. You can see the exact count per day by hovering over a color.

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