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Admin Roles & Permissions

Learn about the various roles and how to assign them to your employees.

Updated over a week ago

About admin roles

Role-based administration allows you to provide the right Envoy access to specified team members. You can create your desired team structure to provide access to both onsite and remote team members. This article outlines the details of each available role and its permissions.

How admin roles work

Anyone that has been added to the employee directory can be assigned an Envoy admin role. Envoy’s admin roles fall into three categories: global permissions, location-based permissions, and custom permissions.

  • Administrators with global permissions have access to information and/or settings that affect all of your locations.

  • Administrators with location-based roles have access to information and/or settings for specified location(s).

  • Administrators with custom permissions have access to information and/or settings defined for their custom role at the specified locations. Please note that this feature is only available on our Visitors Enterprise Plan and Workplace Premium.

Anyone in the employee directory can access their personal dashboard. When they are assigned an admin role, they’ll still log in to the same dashboard, but they’ll have additional permissions depending on their assigned role.

Benefits of using admin roles

  • Protect your data and settings by granting access to the right employees.

  • Create a flexible team structure to meet your business needs.

Admin roles and permissions

Global admin role

  • Full access to visitor entries and invites at all locations

  • Full access to all Workplace settings at all locations

  • Full access to all settings at all locations

  • Full access to device management at all locations

  • Full access to employee records at all locations

  • Full access to assign any admin roles, at any location

  • Full access to billing details (e.g. change credit card, change plan subscription)

  • Full access to Health and safety settings at all locations

  • Full access to Deliveries and delivery area settings at all locations

  • Manage desks & maps

  • View all reservations

  • Manage employee reservations

  • Full access to Rooms and room settings

  • Sync company calendar

  • Manage Rooms settings

  • Receive downtime alerts for rooms

  • Learn more about Global admin level access

Location admin role

  • Full access to visitor entries and invites at assigned location(s)

  • Full access to all settings at assigned location(s)

  • Full access to device management at assigned location(s)

  • Full access to employee records at assigned location(s)

  • Access to assign location-based roles at assigned location(s) (i.e., cannot assign global roles)

  • Full access to deliveries and delivery area settings at assigned location(s)

  • Partial access to location based Health and Safety settings

  • Manage desks & maps

  • View all reservations

  • Manage employee reservations

  • Receive downtime alerts for rooms

  • Learn more about Location admin level access

Billing Admin

  • Full access to billing details (e.g. change credit card, change plan subscription)

  • Learn more about Billing admin level access

Analytics Viewer role

  • View the Occupancy dashboard with limited functionality

  • View the analytics link that a Global or Location admin shares with you.

  • Export analytics as a CSV or image

  • Learn more about Analytics Viewer admin level access

Front desk admin role

  • Access to visitor entries and invites at assigned location(s). Front Desk Admins can read/edit all visitor entries at their location, but they cannot delete entries

  • Read access to device management at assigned location(s)

  • Read access to employee records at assigned location(s)

  • Read access to admin roles at assigned location(s)

  • Access to deliveries as assigned location(s)

  • Manage desks & maps

  • View all reservations

  • Manage employee reservations

  • Learn more about Front desk admin level access

Security admin role

  • Read access to a special security dashboard that shows the day’s invited visitors

  • Learn more about Security admin level access

Deliveries admin role

  • Access to scan deliveries at assigned location(s)

  • Learn more about Deliveries admin level access

Custom admin role

Only available on our Visitors Enterprise plan.

  • You can create custom admin roles when Envoy's default roles are not a perfect fit. This can be achieved by adding or removing permissions from one of our existing base roles listed above.

  • At this time only the subset of visitor permissions detailed here are customizable.

  • To get started with creating a custom admin role check out our guide here.

Additional Admin Roles and Information

How to set up admin roles

To get started with admin roles, your directory will need to be configured. To learn more about the Envoy directory, please read About the directory. To learn more about specific roles and their permissions, please read About admin roles.

Assigning roles

  1. Navigate to your Envoy dashboard.

  2. Select your location from the top left location picker.

  3. Go to on Manage > Admins.

  4. Click New admin.

  5. Type the name of the employee you’d like to assign to a role.

    1. Remember, the person has to be in the directory before assigning them to an admin role.

  6. Select the role from the dropdown.

    1. You have the option to assign this role across multiple locations. Once you select the role you will check off any location you want them to have that role at.

    2. If you have set up Groups you can also assign the admin role for that person for the group of locations. Read our article on Grouping Locations for more information.

  7. Click Invite.

  8. The employee you’ve assigned will receive an email from Envoy. This email will prompt them to accept their new admin role. If they do not have an Envoy account this will also prompt them to make an account.

  9. Next time the employee logs in, they should see changes to their dashboard depending on the the permission granted.

Editing roles

Use the pencil icon to edit admin roles.

  1. Navigate to Manage > Admins from the left hand side menu.

  2. Locate the admin you’d like to edit.

  3. Click the Pencil icon.

  4. To delete a role:

    1. Click the X.

    2. Click OK.

  5. To choose a new role:

    1. Click Add admin roles.

      1. Choose a new role.

      2. Select the applicable location(s).

      3. Click Invite.

    2. Or Choose a different role in the dropdown menu under each type of role.

      1. Click Update.

Deleting roles

Use the trash icon to delete all roles.

  1. Navigate to Manage > Admins from the left hand side menu.

  2. Locate the admin you’d like to remove.

  3. Click the Trash icon.

  4. Click Delete.

Admin Roles - Global Overview

The Global overview is only available for Global admins. From this view you can see all admin types in one place.

  1. Navigate to Global Overview in the top left location picker.

  2. Click Manage > Admins.

  3. Filter between Roles and Locations

  4. Edit and Delete Admin Roles.

    1. Add/Edit/Delete roles by clicking the pencil icon.

    2. Delete all roles by clicking the trash icon.


  • Global Admins can edit/delete or add new roles for all locations. However, they can not delete themselves.

  • Location Admins can only edit/delete or add new admins for the locations they manage.

  • Front Desk Admins are read only and will not be able to edit/delete or add new roles.

  • If the pencil or trash icons are missing when viewing the admin roles, this is because you do not have the required permissions to edit that role.

  • Only a Global admin can assign other employees to Company based roles (Global, Billing or Analytics Viewer)

  • Analytics viewers will be able to see the analytics for all of the locations they have been added to. If they need to view more than one location, be sure to add them to that location in the employee directory.

  • An admin can only have one location based role per location. You cannot be a location admin + front desk admin at the same location. If you need to give different permissions for a specific location, delete the original role for that location and then add a new role.

  • A location admin can give location based roles for the location they are an admin for.

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