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Custom Admin Roles

Learn how to create custom admin roles for your workplace.

Updated over 4 months ago


You can now create custom admin roles when Envoy's default roles are not a perfect fit. This can be achieved by adding/removing permissions from one of our existing base roles or starting with a blank role that has no permissions assigned.

This feature ensures that admins have the necessary Visitor permissions for their duties without providing unnecessary access to the Envoy dashboard. For specific Workplace needs, such as managing desk reservations without editing the map or desk settings, you can create a new role tailored for executive assistants (EAs) or front desk admins.

Create a Custom Admin Role

The Roles page can be accessed from under one of your locations or the Global overview.

  1. Go to Manage > Roles from the left hand side menu of the Envoy dashboard.

  2. You will be brought to our roles matrix page, which lists your admin roles and permissions. Click New role at the upper right hand corner.

  3. The new admin role window will appear. Select what type of role you want to create:

    1. Company roles have company level permissions (i.e. access to all locations and global access including global overview).

    2. Location roles have location level permissions (you can choose specific locations when assigning this role to an admin).

    3. Click Next to proceed.

  4. Now you will be prompted to choose a role that is either based off our existing default admin roles listed here to copy permissions from or you can start off with a blank role that has no permissions assigned.

    1. Tip: If you would like to create a Workspace admin role that can manage desk reservations across all locations but will not be able to edit the map or make any changes to how desks are booked, you will want to create a company role and copy from the blank role option. When you get to the permissions section check "Manage desk reservations" and leave “Manage live maps and neighborhoods” and “Manage desk settings” unchecked.

  5. Select Next once you have made your selection.

  6. Under Role Info type in the name you would like to give your custom admin role and provide a description.

  7. The Permissions section will display a complete list of permissions separated by category. Adjust the permissions of the role by checking or un-checking the check box icon next to each permission.

    1. At this time only the subset of permissions detailed here are customizable. We will incrementally be adding new permissions that you can customize.

  8. Select Create at the top right hand corner to save your changes and create your custom role. You will now see your new role under the admin roles and permissions matrix labeled as custom.


At this time only the subset of permissions detailed below are customizable. We will incrementally be adding new permissions that you can customize.


  • View visitor sign-in flows

  • Manage local sign-in flows

  • Manage global sign-in flows

  • Block list access.

  • Invite log access.

  • Visitor analytics access.

  • Visitor log access.

  • Visitors device management access.


  • View occupancy analytics

  • Schedule or share occupancy data

  • View and export attendance analytics

  • View Deliveries analytics

  • View Desks analytics

  • View Rooms analytics


  • Manage desk settings.

  • Manage desk reservations.

  • View and export attendance analytics.

  • Manage live maps and neighborhoods (this does not currently include access to map drafts).

Communications / Emergency notifications

  • Send and manage messages

  • Manage message templates

  • Manage communications settings

Assign Custom Role to User

Assign via SCIM

For customers using our SCIM integrations to sync their employee directory, custom admin roles are now available to sync. Please see our integration guides for more information.

Manually Assign Roles

  1. Make sure the user you want to grant an admin role is added under your Envoy employee directory.

    1. You can verify by going to Employee directory > All employees and doing a search by name or email.

    2. If the individual is not in your employee directory please follow our guide here on how to get them added.

  2. Navigate to Manage > Admins from the left hand side menu.

  3. At the top right select New admin.

  4. Next type in the name of the employee you want to assign the role to.

  5. Select your custom role from the dropdown.

    1. If your role is location-based, you will have the option to check off the box next to each location you want them to have that role.

  6. Click Invite to assign the role.

  7. The employee you’ve assigned will receive an email from Envoy. This email will prompt them to accept their new admin role. If they do not have an Envoy account this will also prompt them to make an account.

Update User from Default Admin Role to Custom Admin Role

  1. Navigate to Manage > Admins from the left hand side menu.

  2. Locate the employee you want to update the role for and click the pencil icon on the right hand side.

  3. Select the dropdown caret next to the role type and choose your custom role.

  4. Click the Update button to change and save the new role.

Un-assign Custom Role from a User

  1. Go to to Manage > Admins.

  2. Locate the employee from whom you want to remove the role and click the pencil icon on the righ- hand side.

  3. The next window will display all roles assigned to the user. Select the trash can icon next to the custom role. Click Ok to confirm the delete and the role will be removed.

Edit A Custom Role

  1. Click Manage > Roles from the left hand side menu of the Envoy dashboard.

  2. Find your custom admin role and click the ellipsis icon on the far right and choose View.

  3. You will land on a page detailing the role permissions, click Edit role at the upper right hand corner.

  4. From here you can make edits to the role name, description, and permissions. Select Update once you are done making your adjustments.

Delete a Custom Role

  1. Click Manage > Roles from the left hand side menu of the Envoy dashboard.

  2. Find your custom admin role and click the ellipsis icon on the far right and choose View.

  3. You will land on a page detailing the role permissions, click Delete role on the right hand side and confirm.


  • Note our default base roles can not be deleted or disabled.

  • A user can only be assigned either a custom admin role or an Envoy default role at any one location.

  • In order to delete a role, you must make sure that no one is currently assigned to it.

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