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Connect Visitor Walk-In Approvals

Learn how to give tenant admins the ability to approve unregistered walk-in visitors.

Updated over a year ago


Keep your building secure and improve lobby experience with walk-in visitor approvals. When enabled, tenant admins are notified via SMS or email when an unregistered walk-in guest arrives to see them. The guest cannot proceed to the tenant’s suite until the tenant admin has reviewed and approved their visit.

Enable Visitor Walk-In Approvals

  1. Navigate to Settings > Security on the Envoy web dashboard.

  2. Toggle on the option that reads Require approval by tenant admins before walk-in visitors are checked in.

  3. This will add a new setting that is automatically enabled called Walk-in visitors are checked in upon arrival.

  4. After this feature is turned on tenant admins will see a prompt under their sign in flow settings page (Visitors > Settings > Sign-in flow) that walk-in approvals have been enabled by the property admin.

Enable Walk-In Approval Notifications

A tenant can designate which member on their team will receive the walk-in visitor notifications to approve or deny.


  • As a tenant you must be either a location or global admin to access your company's Visitor settings.

  • Note only global, location, and front desk admins can approve or deny walk-in visitors. Security admins can only view the entries in the dashboard. Learn more here about our different admin roles, their permissions, and how to assign.

  1. Navigate to Visitors > Settings > Notifications on the Envoy web dashboard.

  2. Locate the section titled Connect notifications and click Enable for Admin notifications for walk-in visitors requiring approval.

  3. From here a drop down box will appear for you to select who will receive the notifications for unregistered walk-in guests.

  4. Click Save once you have made your selection.

Notification Methods

Tenant admins can opt in to receive SMS text or email notifications for when an unregistered walk-up visitor signs in. Please follow our guide here to learn how to enable notifications under your Envoy user account.


The SMS will prompt you to approve or deny the visitor by clicking on the link.


The email notice will show an option to approve, deny, or view in the Envoy dashboard.

Visitor Walk-In Approvals in the Dashboard

Admins can easily view and access property walk-in visitor entries under the Envoy dashboard to review.

Tenant Level

Note only global, location, and front desk admins can view walk-in visitor entries in the dashboard to approve or deny. Security admins can only view the entries in the dashboard. Learn more here about our different admin roles, their permissions, and how to assign

Invite Log

  1. Navigate to Visitors > Invites from the left hand side menu on the web dashboard.

  2. All walk-in visitors will be listed under the visitor type named Property walk-in and those needing approval will show an entry status of Under review.

  3. To approve or deny a visitor, click on their name to pull up the entry.

Visitor Approvals Log

Tenant admins can also view and access property walk-in entries via the Approvals log.

  1. Select Visitors > Approvals in the Envoy dashboard.

  2. All walk-in visitors will be listed as Property walk-in under the visitor and approval type fields.

  3. At the right click Approve or Deny for the visitor entry.

Property Level

Property admins including property security admins can view walk-in visitor entries and their current statuses under the dashboard.

  1. Go to Visitors > Invites under the Envoy dashboard.

  2. All walk-in visitors will show as Pending review under the Approval status field until their tenant admin approves or denies their entry. They will also be labeled as Property walk-in under their names.

  3. Once the visitor is approved or denied by the tenant you will be notified via a pop up notice at the top right of the dashboard.

Visitor Experience

After completing the sign in flow on the visitors kiosk the guest will see a screen informing them that their tenant has been notified and that they can leave the kiosk.


  • This feature can only be enabled and disabled on the property level by a property admin.

  • On both the property and tenant level, security admins can only view property walk-in visitors in the dashboard.

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