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Rooms Space Saver Features

Learn how to utilize Envoy's Space Saver features with your meeting rooms.

Updated over 5 months ago

Space Saver Features

Utilize your Rooms more effectively by automatically releasing rooms that are no longer needed.

Room check-in

With the check-in space saver feature enabled in your Envoy dashboard, you can ensure that your meeting rooms are, in fact, being used instead of being booked with no one using them.

When a meeting is scheduled to start in a reserved room, the Rooms iPad will display a yellow "Check in" button. By default, meeting attendees have up to 5 minutes after the meeting start time to check into and secure the room they've reserved. On the flip side, if you don't check-in to secure your reserved room, Envoy Rooms will automatically release the room after 5 minutes to allow the rest of the office to access the freed space.

The default 5-minute check-in window can be customized based on your workplace's needs. Certain rooms may be used for special purposes like external meetings or executive briefings. For this reason, you can exclude specific rooms from the check-in requirement. Rooms that are excluded from check-in will not be released even if the attendees do not check in to the room

To turn this feature on or off:

  1. Navigate to Rooms > Settings in your Envoy Dashboard.

  2. Scroll to Space saver.

  3. Toggle Room check-in on or off.

  4. If you want to customize the check-in window or exclude a room from the check-in requirement, click on Room check-in settings & exceptions. From here, use the dropdown to select a new check-in time or a specific room, depending on the change you are making.

Recurring meeting cleanup

Clean up unused rooms tied to recurring meetings. Missing 3 check-ins will remove the room from the calendar event and notify the event owner via email.

To turn this feature on or off:

  1. Navigate to Rooms > Settings in your Envoy Dashboard.

  2. Scroll to Space saver.

  3. Toggle Recurring meeting cleanup on or off.

Room resizer

With Rooms Resizer, you can free up larger conference rooms for bigger groups. For example, if you book a room for 8 attendees but only 2 people are listed on the invite, you will be sent a prompt via Slack or Teams to downsize your room, given that a smaller room is available at the same time.

You can toggle this setting on/off in your Rooms settings of the Envoy dashboard.

Important Note: You must have Slack/Teams to enable this feature.

To turn this features on or off:

  1. Navigate to Rooms > Settings in your Envoy Dashboard

  2. Scroll to Space saver

  3. Toggle Room Resizer on or off

  4. Choose to turn on.

Onsite room recapture

With Onsite room recapture, you can reduce the amount of abandoned meeting rooms when employees decide to work remotely. Meeting hosts will be prompted via Slack or Teams to release rooms that they booked if none of the meeting attendees checked into the office for that day.

Important Note: You must have Slack/Teams to enable this feature.

To turn this feature on or off:

  1. Navigate to Rooms > Settings in your Envoy Dashboard

  2. Scroll to Space Saver

  3. Toggle Onsite Room Recapture on or off

  4. Choose to turn on for your current location or Globally (All locations)

Check out this help article about Rooms Analytics to learn more about how these Rooms Space Saver features free up meeting room times.

Note on Google Calendar's automatic room replacement

We recommend that customers turn off Google Calendar's automatic room replacement if they want to use Envoy's Onsite room recapture; otherwise, Envoy will release rooms when not onsite, but Google will reassign new meeting rooms.

To learn how to turn off this setting, please refer to Google's documentation.

Space Saver FAQ

  1. Employees will receive notifications at the following times:

    1. 9am (local time) for Room Resizer

    2. 10:30am (local time) for Onsite Room Recapture

  2. Envoy uses Workplace registration data to determine if an employee is onsite or not.

  3. Room seating capacities and amenities are set in the resources you created within your Outlook or Google Calendar and can not be changed/adjusted in Envoy.

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