How to invite a co-worker on Mobile
Open the Envoy Mobile app.
Tab on Schedule.
Tap on the date you want to invite someone.
Click Invite.
Find the co-worker you want to invite and click on their name
Repeat if you want to invite multiple people
Click Send invite.
Click Done.
How to accept or decline an invite
Via Email
If you don't want to use the Mobile app, you can accept or decline via email. You'll find an email titled - "[Coworker] has invited you to work at [Company][Location]."
Click Accept or Deny within the body of the invite email. Accepting the invite will create a workplace reservation on the date you were invited.
When that date arrives, you can check in as you normally would.
If you don't see "Invite" on your app reach out to your admin team to let them know to turn on the option to Share Workplace Schedules.
No confirmation is sent to the inviter when the invitee accepts or declines.
You can invite others without being registered yourself.
Emailed invitations are sent out in the language of the location.
For example, if your location is in France, all employee invitations will be sent out in French.