This article goes over how to share non-urgent Announcements that show on the Envoy mobile app. In emergencies, please use our Emergency Notifications feature.
Using Announcements
With Announcements, admins can quickly send information to their Employees. You can choose to send push notifications or just leave the announcement visible when the employee next opens the app.
What do announcements look like?
Employees can view the announcement from the card itself by swiping past the "Reservation" cards.
You can link out to external sites in order to provide more details.
They can also click on the announcement and view it in full.
How to send an announcement
Navigate to Workplace > Announcements in your dashboard.
Click "New announcement".
Click Post announcement.
Push notifications
If the Send push notification box is checked, push notifications will go to anyone who meets the following criteria for the location selected:
Is part of the Employee Directory at that location
Is logged into the Envoy Mobile app
has push notifications enabled
Archive and re-posting announcements
Archiving an announcement
Only available on the Envoy web dashboard
Navigate to Workplace > Announcements.
Click View details.
Click Archive.
The announcement will no longer be live for your employees to see, but you can refer to it if needed.
You can also see how many employees viewed the announcement.
If you need to, you can click re-post the announcement, and the announcement will be live again.
Re-posting an announcement
Announcements are push notifications only, and they live in the mobile app.
Once an announcement is sent, there is no way to edit it. If you want to change anything, you must archive it on the desktop site and send a new one. You cannot archive announcements on the mobile app.
This is a plain text modal. There are no bullet points or formatting choices to be made.
If there are multiple live announcements, there will be multiple announcement cards.
Announcements are location-based. If you want the same announcement to go out at each location, you will have to change locations in the top left corner of the dashboard and send out an announcement for the other location(s) separately.
The Announcements will be listed by newest to oldest.