Rooms status displays

Learn about the different room availability indicators on your Rooms display.

Updated over a week ago


One of the great benefits to using Envoy Rooms tablets is the ability to know if a room is available with a glance. By using color-coded displays, the tablet can show employees if the room is currently occupied.

The room is available

If the iPad display is green, there is currently no meeting occurring in that room. Envoy Rooms will also calculate the time the room will be free until the next scheduled meeting. 

If you need the room, you can choose the duration you need the room for (15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes, or until the next meeting, depending on where that falls), and click "Book now" after selecting your duration. Learn more about booking a room.

The room has an upcoming meeting

If the display is yellow, it means that a meeting is scheduled to begin in the next 5 minutes. Meeting attendees will be able to check into their meeting and secure their room. Read more about check-in and room release here.

The room is in use

If the display is red, that means a meeting is currently taking place in this room. The Schedule display shows how long it will be until the meeting ends, whether there is another meeting after it, and the room's schedule for the rest of the day. 

If your meeting ends early you can also release the room by hitting "End meeting". Read more about ending meetings.

Display settings

  • Your Envoy Rooms iPad display will dim to ten percent brightness between the hours of 9pm and 7am, for the timezone set on your iPad.

  • To verify the timezone on your iPad, go to Settings > General > Date & Time and make sure "set automatically" is toggled on.

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