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Group Invites

If you’re expecting a large group of visitors, the group invites feature can help you easily manage your guests' details.

Updated over 6 months ago

A previous version of this feature is now named Bulk invites, and is accessible in the bulk invites tab.


Are you expecting a large meeting, conference, or party at your workplace? Instead of creating a single invite for each visitor, create a group to speed up the process and easily manage your guests. Less time spent on sending invites means more time to focus on the details of your meeting, event, or gathering, ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Need to invite people across multiple dates and times? Use our Bulk invites feature instead!

If you’re looking for more tips on using Envoy Visitors for large events like meetups, conferences, or parties, please check out: tips for using Visitors at events.

How to create a Group invite

  1. Click New invite. You’ll be taken to the invite form.

  2. Select Group invite from the top navigation.

  3. Enter a Group name that you can use to reference these visitors in the logs.

  4. Select a Location and Visitor type, and enter the Arrival date and time.

  5. Add a Host, if required.

    1. Optional: Add additional hosts.

  6. You can either type in or paste the invite details in the grid below.

    1. If you're pasting the information from Excel, be sure the columns match the order of the Group invite fields.

    2. Tip: You can drag the edges of the cells to fill out multiple invitees if they have the same information.

  7. Optional: Check the Send invite email box if you want to send these people an email confirming their upcoming visit, and select whether the Group name should be included in the subject of the invite.

  8. Click Create invites.

Note: Any invites without errors will be created and accessible on your Invites log. If any fields contain errors, you won't be able to create the invite, as the Create Invites button will not be clickable.

Editing a group invite

Things happen and plans change, so you can edit your group invite in the Envoy invites log and on Envoy mobile. You do not need to delete all invites and start over - just make the necessary changes and save the group.

Here's how:

  1. Search by the Group name you wish to view, or change the dates to scroll through manually. The group name should appear as a purple link. Make sure you're displaying the field "Group name" in your invite log.

  2. On this page, you can edit:

    1. Group name

    2. Arrival date and time

    3. Host(s)

    4. Private notes

    5. Invited visitors

  3. After making your desired changes, make sure to hit Save at the bottom of the group invite.

  4. Optional: Send an update email informing your guests of changes.

Add more visitors to the group

  1. Select the group invite's Group name to open the editor.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Add more visitors.

  3. Use the spreadsheet pop-up to add additional visitor information.

  4. Click Confirm. You should see your changes listed next to the save button.

  5. Click Save to save the group invite.

Deleting visitors from the group

  1. Select the group invite's Group name to open the editor.

  2. Use the trash can symbol on the right hand side of the visitor list to remove someone from the group.

  3. Undo your deletion by clicking the undo button.

  4. You should see your changes listed next to the save button. Click Save to save the group invite.

  5. Optional: Send a cancelation email to those who have been removed.

Selection tool

By using the checkboxes next to a visitor's name, you can delete or restore multiple invites at a time.

  1. Select the group invite's Group name to open the editor.

  2. Click the empty check box next to a visitor's name to select them.

  3. At the top of the list, you'll see how many visitors you've selected. Here, you'll have the option to Delete or Restore their invites.

  4. Click Save to save the group invite.

Using visitor emails

Invite emails

As a reminder, the invite email is an optional email you can send to visitors when you create their invites. It contains the visitor and host name(s), meeting time, and location address.

When you use a group name when creating the invites, this will appear in the invite email. Including this will let your guests know why they are being invited.

Cancellation email

If you need to remove someone from the group invite, or cancel the group altogether, it's helpful to send a cancelation email.

This is completely optional. You can also include a note to be added to the standard email, detailing any additional information you might want the guest to have.

Using group invites for sign-in

For a visitor, a group invite and a single invite appear the same. Just like with single invites, visitors can pre-register. Signing in can be done on the iPad, Envoy mobile, or via the web dashboard.


Encourage visitors to complete your sign-in flow before they arrive.

A big benefit of using group invites is that visitors can register themselves. This means that they can fill out the sign-in fields and, if enabled, sign any legal documents and take a photo in advance. To do so, they’ll click the Register now button in the registration email.

When they arrive and sign in on the iPad, they’ll be asked to confirm their information is correct, then they are instantly signed in. This helps reduce the amount of time spent on the iPad, speeding up the flow of visitors.

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