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Delivery nicknames

Nicknames allow you to provide alternate names for employees.

Updated over 8 months ago

How nicknames work

When Deliveries “reads” each shipping label, it’s “looking” for names that appear in your Envoy Directory. When you assign nicknames, Envoy “looks” for these nicknames too. It then determines which employee the nickname is synonymous with, and sends the delivery notification to the proper recipient.

When to use nicknames

The nickname feature works well for names, of course, but it can go beyond adding “Jon” for every “Jonathan” listed in your directory. In fact, Envoy Deliveries already knows many of these common nicknames, so you don’t have to assign them.

This feature can be very helpful for actual nicknames (for example, an employee who goes by their initials instead of their full name) and employees who change their names (for example, maiden to married name).

You can also use nicknames to make sure recipients know about deliveries that are addressed to a team or a job title, too. For example, something may be addressed to “Facilities team” or “Office manager,” but you know they should always be delivered to Alexa Beckfield. In this case, you’d add “Office manager” and “Facilities team” as Alexa’s nicknames.

Benefits of nicknames

  • Nicknames save time. You only have to set up the nickname once, and every future delivery addressed to the nickname will be automatically be associated with the correct recipient.

  • Recipients receive a photo of the shipping label in their notification, so even if it’s addressed to a different name, they’ll know which delivery to pick up.

  • Nicknames can be set per location so you can have your "IT department" or "Reception" ping different people depending on their location within Envoy.

Setting up nicknames

As an administrator, you may know some employees in your office who go by nicknames or alternate names. You can set up these nicknames at any time.

We recommend using a nickname of at least 3-4 characters to ensure the most optimal match rates.

Add a new nickname

  1. Click Add nickname.

  2. In the Employee field, begin typing the employee’s name as it appears in the directory.

  3. In the Nickname field, type the first nickname you think might appear on a delivery’s shipping label and click Save.

  4. To add additional nicknames to an employee already listed, click Edit next to their record.

  5. Type any additional nickname(s) in the Nickname field, and press the enter key after each one.

Important notes:

  • Any future deliveries addressed to the nickname(s) listed will automatically be associated with that recipient.

  • Nicknames are location-based. If you have "IT Team" at your HQ location, you can switch locations and go to Nicknames and add another "IT Team" with the contact person for that location.

    • The list appears globally but the nicknames are only for the location in which they're set up at.

Edit existing nicknames

  1. Locate the employee that needs edits to their nicknames, and click “Edit.”

  2. To delete a nickname, click the X.

  3. To add a new nickname, simply type the new nickname and press the enter key.

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