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C•CURE 9000

C•CURE 9000 offers a 24/7 solution for managing cardholder access requests without requiring direct involvement from the security team.

Updated over 3 months ago

How does it work?

For this app to work, the Envoy integration driver needs to be installed along with the CC9WS-ENVOY option enabled on the systems license (please reach out to your C·CURE rep for pricing).


Envoy will send a record of every visitor who signs in on your kiosk to CCURE 9000 as Personnel and automatically create an identity in C•CURE.

You can configure Envoy to apply a certain Clearance for your visitor types. You can then use all of C•CURE’s features for your visitors, such as badge provisioning, security alerts, and more. 


Envoy offers the option to grant employees access in CCURE 9000 when they check-in to the Envoy Workplace ensuring that only approved employees have access to the workplace.

Alternatively, we also offer the option to have employees be automatically checked-in to Envoy when they swipe their badge with CCURE 9000. This data is populated into our Occupancy Dashboard in order to provide valuable insight into the optimization of your specific workplace environment.

Configuring the Envoy + CCURE 9000 integration


  • The integration requires an ‘Operator’ with ‘SYSTEM ALL’ permission on the C•CURE account to complete this integration. Either become an administrator or ask your administrator for help before completing these steps.

  • The Victor Web Service for End-Users license must be enabled on the systems license to allow use of C•CURE’s RESTful API. For more information, please refer to Software House’s documentation.

  • The CC9WS-ENVOY option must be enabled on the systems license (please reach out to your C·CURE rep for pricing)

    • [For versions 2.8+ only] Once the option is enabled on the license, the Envoy integration driver needs to be installed. Please see the injection script here.

  • For on-premises C•CURE 9000 to work with Envoy’s cloud solution, the internal IP address for the C-Cure instance must be NAT’d from a publicly accessible IP address or URL. Alternatively, a DMZ or proxy service may be used to ensure that the C•CURE instance is accessible to Envoy.

  • The following IPs must be whitelisted for inbound and outbound communication:




  • The following ports must be whitelisted for inbound and outbound communication:

    • 443 (if you plan to use HTTPS) - HTTPS requires an SSL Cert

  • C•CURE version 2.8 and lower do not accept secure HTTPS connections on Port 443 by default. A certificate must be provided and configured in IIS. More information here.

  • Auto check-in requires CCURE 9000 v2.9 SP2. The API for polling badge events was introduced in this version.


To validate that your CCURE version and service pack was installed across all components.
Go to -> Control Panel > Programs and Features > Installed Updates, and confirm that you see version & SP applied for all 3 components:

  • Victor Application Server

  • VictorWebService

  • CCure9000 Client

Step 1: API Details

  1. Search for and click on CCURE 9000 then click Install.

  2. Please add the following Envoy IPs to your allow list in order to connect to your C-CURE API:




  3. Enter your on-premise IP and port, or URL.

  4. Enter your C•CURE operator login credentials.

  5. Select your C•CURE Version.

  6. Select the timezone of your CCure instance

Timezone is required for the auto-sign in with Badge events option on Step 4: Employees

Step 2: Partition

Select the C•CURE partition Envoy should use for Visitors and Workplace.

Step 3: Envoy Visitors (Optional)

  1. Assign Envoy Visitor type(s) to a predefined C•CURE Clearance.

    1. This allows certain Envoy visitor types to have pre-defined access to specific doors and or elevators once you assign the visitor a hard badge.

  2. (OPTIONAL) Delete clearance on sign-out.

    1. Check the box to delete the C•CURE Personnel record on sign-out.

  3. Enable Credentials (Optional)

  4. Check the box to generate credentials for Visitors. A QR Code will be emailed to visitors when this option is enabled.

How to set up access control via QR codes:

The QR code will be encoded as FFFFNNNNNNNN.

  • FFFF is the facility code padded to four characters

  • NNNNNNNN is the card number padded to eight characters

Set the following:

  1. Visitor Credential Duration

    1. Choose the length of time that signed-in visitors will have valid credentials.

  2. Visitor Credential Advance Access

    1. If you would like invited visitors to get credentials in advance, please select a time period here.

  3. Minimum and Maximum card ranges in addition to Facility Code, are required to issue credentials.

    1. These are card ranges are created and added to the user. The QR code is generated from the card #. The ranges follow the format in CCURE, such as Wiegand 26 bit which gives you a range of 0 to 65,535.

    2. An email will be sent with a button leading to the QR CODE for access.

  4. CHUID Format

  5. QR Code Text (OPTIONAL)

    1. update the text on the email to specify the use case for the QR code

  6. Enable QR Code in Badge (OPTIONAL)

    1. This will embed the QR code in printed badges.

How to see your visitor records:

Log into your C•CURE instance.

Your test visitor record will appear in the Personnel section.

Step 4: Employees (Optional)

Envoy Workplace + C•CURE 9000

Envoy Workplace integrations with C•CURE 9000 in one of two ways:

  • Employee access is enabled in C•CURE 9000 when the employee signs into Envoy

  • Badge swipes in C•CURE 9000 will automatically check-in Employees to Envoy.

Option 1: Registration and check-in required for access

  1. If registration questions are enabled, then the employee must answer the questions.

  2. They pass screening based on the set of rules

    1. (i.e. Have you been in contact with someone feeling ill over the past 14 days?)

    2. (i.e. Have you been vaccinated fully within the last 14 days?)

  3. The employee will be approved to come into work

  4. When the employee goes to the office, the employee will need to check-in via the Envoy dashboard or mobile app in order for their badge access to be activated.

❗️DISCLAIMER: C•CURE users (employees) must start in a disabled state. They are not disabled by default, Envoy did not want to take on the liability to mass disable user accounts. In order to do this on your own, you will need to set the field "Disabled" to true order to deactivate your users' access.


  1. Check Envoy Workplace Access Management box

  2. Select Registration and check-in required for access under "Access Management (Alpha Feature)"

Option 2: Auto check-in with Badge Swipe (alpha)

PREREQUISITIES for Auto Check-in with Badge Swipe:

  • Workplace Premium subscription

  • C-CURE 9000 Version 2.9 SP4 or newer

  • Badging access points set up (doors) in the C-CURE system.

  • Personnel created/imported in the C-CURE system where the email matches an employee in the Envoy location's Employee Directory (emails must match)

  • Timezone of the CCURE instance must be set in Step 1 of the app configuration in the Envoy dashboard.

How it works?

  1. The registration questionnaire is disabled in The Employee Registration flow settings

  2. The employee arrives and scans their badge.

  3. The employee is automatically checked-in to Envoy.

NOTE: Choosing this option does not toggle access of the user in C•CURE 9000. The employee's badge must already be in an activated state.


  1. Check the box "Share Badge Event Data with Envoy (Alpha Feature)

  2. Select "Auto check-in with badge swipe"

  3. Choose whether to monitor all readers for Badge swipes or specific ones

    1. Check "Use all readers for auto-sign in event processing" to monitor all badge swipes across all readers.

    2. Or choose specific readers from the drop-down under "Badge Event - Target Readers


What versions of C•CURE 9000 does the Envoy integration support?

(2.9 SP4 or newer required for Badge check-in)

  • 2.7

  • 2.8

  • 2.9

  • 3.0

What is the minimum set of permissions needed within C•CURE to configure?

  • FULL ACCESS to Personnel, including reading access to all personnel-related.

  • FULL ACCESS to Visitor Management

  • Operator must be a victor admin.

What licenses are required by C•CURE?

  • Version 2.8+ requires a license GUID specific to Envoy. This will need to be added to your C•CURE instance.

  • Injection Script:

    • InsertLicenseOption /U /V /S:"LOCALHOST" /N:"Envoy - Visitor Management - Integration" /A:"Envoy, Inc." /G:24f84d83-1428-4bad-a4ec-11e2e955ee80 /C:2 /P:0 
  • Watch this instructional video in order to add the license GUID

How do we determine the server time zone of the instance?

  • This depends on the set-up, but it should be available from the on-premise server. In our demo instance, we can find it from the Windows time settings.

Please reach out to C•CURE support if you have issues with adding the GUID license.

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