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Genea Access Control

Genea’s cloud-based access control is designed for the convenience and security of both companies and building management teams.

Updated over 7 months ago

How does this app work?

The Envoy + Genea integration streamlines the process of logging and distributing access to visitors and employees.


  • You will need administrative access on your Genea account to set up this integration

  • For Workplace:

  • For Visitors:

Enabling Envoy + Genea

Ensure you have administrative access or work with a local administrator before proceeding with the following steps:

  1. Search for Genea > Click on it > Click Install.

  2. On step 1, Authentication, enter the API token which can be generated here, and click “Next Step” to continue.

    1. Side note: When generating an API Key in Genea, feel free to adjust the permissions for "Hardware Management" to No access and "API Key management" to read-only.

  3. In step 3, Envoy Workplace "Workplace", you will find a toggle to turn on and off the automation to enable or disable employee badge access.

  4. If configuring Visitors, please select a Visitor's location.

  5. Select the desired configuration in Visitors, or select "Skip and complete" if not utilizing Visitors.

  6. Click "Save Configuration."

Envoy Workplace + Genea

Envoy + Genea can grant access to Employees in Genea when they sign into Envoy via the mobile app or dashboard. The integration will enable employee accounts in Genea upon a successful sign-in to Envoy.

DISCLAIMER: Genea users (employees) are not disabled by default, Envoy did not want to take on the liability to mass disable user accounts. In order to do this on your own, you will need to deactivate the users' badges.

How does it work?

  1. The employee answers the preconfigured questions if enabled by an Admin on the account.

  2. The employee "checks-in" via the Envoy mobile app or dashboard when they arrive to the workplace.

  3. Their credentials to be reactivated to allow them to enter the building.

Envoy Visitors + Genea

The Envoy + Genea integration has to the option to automatically grant credentials to Visitors when they are either invited or sign into Envoy. The integration creates or finds users in Genea and assigns them to a role or group based on the options selected.

An email is required in the selected sign-in flow to grant Visitors access


  1. Only Allow Invited Guests (optional): Only grants access to Visitors that are invited.

  2. Visitor types to Genea roles: Choose which sign-in flow/visitor type you would like to grant access credentials and the corresponding role.

  3. Visitor types to Genea Access groups: Choose which sign-in flow/visitor type you would like to grant access credentials and the corresponding access group.

  4. Access Duration: Specify the duration invited guests receive access.

  5. Advance Access (optional): Allow invited guests to receive access before their scheduled arrival.

  6. Credential Type:

    1. Physical Card: Assign a physical card to the Visitor.

      1. Select your facility code and card range that you would like Envoy to use.

    2. QR Code Credential: When this option is enabled visitors will be issued a QR code credential.

      1. Minimum and Maximum card ranges in addition to Facility Code, are required to issue credentials in a digital QR code format.

      2. These are card ranges are created and added to the user in Genea. The QR code is generated from the card #. The ranges follow the format that Genea has configured, such as Wiegand 26 bit which gives you a range of 0 to 65,535.

        1. An email will be sent with the QR code and facility code.

    3. Card Format (Optional): Set a card type that you wish to assign to the Visitor.

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