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Attendance Overview [Beta]

View attendance records and reports per employee in easy-to-read dashboards.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

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Using Employee attendance analytics, admins can efficiently view how often employees are in the workplace. Filters, such as managers or departments, make it easy for admins to view team-level statistics. Compiling sign-in data in easy-to-read reports can save time and quickly check each employee's on-site policy adherence.

Using the Attendance analytics dashboard

Setting the date range

Our attendance analytics dashboard can be customized to only the relevant data. By default, the date range will show the Last 30 days, including today. To change this, click into the date range selector. Choose [Between, On, Before, After, Last, Next, Current], a number, and [Years, Quarters, Months, Week starting Sunday, Week starting Monday, Days, Hours, Minutes] to define the time period shown.

This range will apply to each graph shown on the Occupancy dashboard.

In addition to the Date range, you can customize the Weekdays in the data shown. By default, all will be selected.

Weekly unique employees signed in

This chart shows the number of unique employees who visit your location weekly. It does not show the total number of employee entries but a snapshot of the weekly employee capacity. This is great for seeing how many individuals visit your workplace each week.

Weekly average attendance

This chart shows the average number of sign-ins (entries) per employee per week, starting on Monday. Since this number is an average, it's likely to be a non-whole number. By viewing the underlying data, you can see the breakdown of the calculations - who the unique employees are and the sign-in methods used.

Employee entries

This chart shows the number of unique employee sign-ins over the period defined at the top of the page. You can view the sign-ins per day, week, or month and group the totals by sign-in method, department, or primary location. It's easy to switch between these views for a quick look at employee attendance trends.

Setting Sign in goals

Customize the Attendance charts by entering your workplace's onsite goals.

Sign in days: How many days a week to account for (default: 5)

Green goal: How many days an employee needs to sign-in to the workplace to show as green on the attendance chart.

The yellow goal and red goal follow the same logic as the green goal and can be set in accordance. These fields make it easy to see which employees might not be onsite as often.

These goals are not connected to your Global onsite policy and can be adjusted as needed to test different attendance scenarios!

Weekly Attendance by employee

This chart shows the weekly number of days an employee signs into the workplace, sorted by department. The data shows the sign-ins for the current location and does not take other locations into account. The global attendance overview shows employee's attendance across all locations, which is a more complete record for traveling employees.

Monthly Attendance by employee

This chart shows the sum of employee entries per employee across an entire month. This does not total entries across different locations.

Attendance details by department

Instead of viewing attendance by employee, this chart shows the overall weekly average attendance per department. The current week is shown by default, but this can be adjusted at the top of the page.

Adherence to in office policy

This is the weekly performance of employees' adherence to the in office policy. You can hover over each data point to see the specific percentages. You can view a week-by-week breakdown by employee by viewing the underlying data.

Attendance frequency by primary location

See the most common frequency for employees with the current location set as primary within the employee directory.

If you're viewing the default dates (last 30 days including today), the current week will be shown. If you're just starting the work week, the data will show low attendance. For example, if it's Monday, 3/3/2025, the week of 2025-03-03 would have a maximum common frequency of 1 since the week is incomplete. You can see this in the chart above.

Only want to see complete weeks? Use the data filters at the top of the page to change the dates shown.

The dates are set to show only the work month of February 2025.

The chart now only shows complete weeks in February.

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