As a designated assistant, you'll be able to create workplace reservations on behalf of any employee at the company. To do so, your admin will have to enable assistant-managed reservations.
How to create a reservation
You can only create reservations by using the Envoy web dashboard.
Navigate to Workplace > Employee log.
Click on New reservation to start.
Type in the employee's name you wish to create a reservation for.
This feature will only allow you to select employees with a confirmed Envoy Account.
Choose the reservation date(s)
If you wish to select multiple dates, be sure to toggle Select Multiple on and click on the dates in which you would like to reserve.
After clicking Done, you should see multiple dates listed under Reservation date. You can click the x on any date to remove it.
Optional: Assign a desk to the employee by checking the box next to Auto assign desks.
Once you have your date(s) selected, click Confirm.
You should then receive a confirmation of the booking!
β¨ Note:
If a reservation already exists for the selected employee on a given date, you won't be able to create a reservation. You can edit or delete the existing reservation to make changes.
You can only schedule up to the company's scheduling limits. Any dates beyond your company scheduling limits will not be selectable while booking a new reservation.
Assistants cannot create or edit seating charts. The Auto assign desks option will assign a desk according to the existing workplace map.
If the employee has a permanently assigned desk, they will be given that desk at the time of reservation creation (if auto assign desk is checked) or reservation check-in (if auto assign desk is not checked).
If the employee does not have a permanently assigned desk, the auto assign desks option will assign a desk at random, according to any neighborhood rules and existing reservations. Assistants cannot change the desk that is automatically assigned.