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Empower your employees and visitors with automated access control and employee check-in.

Updated over 11 months ago

How does Datawatch work with Envoy?

The app works with Envoy to streamline access control for employees and visitors. With customization options, you're in control to decide not only which visitor flows receive access but also the level of access they are granted.

Envoy will generate cardholders for your enabled employees and visitors based on your criteria with automatic expiration, enforced by permission expiration in Datawatch and customization in Envoy. Datawatch can optionally email QR code credential access to permitted visitor flows based on the email they provide during sign-in.


  • Automatically assign Envoy visitors to access groups in Datawatch.

  • Customize your visitors' access by mapping multiple groups to different visitor types in Envoy.

  • Automatically expire visitors' access after a pre-set duration or during sign-out.

  • Restrict access to only invited visitors.

  • Automatically provide employees with building access after they’ve been approved through Workplace.

  • Automatically check-in employees through badge swipes

  • Collect data occupancy analytics through badge swipes per physical location


You will need administrative access to enable the API in Datawatch. Please ensure you have enough access or work with a local administrator before proceeding with the following steps.

  • Reach out to Datawatch for the following:

    • Access Token (alphanumeric)

    • Building ID - different per location

  • Admin should have the following available:

    • User ID

    • Password

  • API Access must be enabled, contact your Datawatch team for more information.

    • More info on Datawatch API here.

Datawatch + Envoy Setup

Step 1: Retrieve the access token noted above in prerequisites and copy it for later use

Step 2: Retrieve the building ID for each location you plan to configure the integration and copy it for later use

Step 3: Install Datawatch in Envoy

  1. Navigate to Apps > Access Control in the Envoy dashboard.

  2. Search for Datawatch under Access Control.

  3. Click Install.

  4. Authorize the API scopes needed by Envoy.

  5. Input the Access Token, Building ID, User ID, and password copied from the instructions above.

  6. Select the Tenant for the specific location where you want to enable functionality.

Step 4: Select your Visitor's options

  1. Select your visitor card type for all visitors

  2. Select your visitor type and access levels.

    1. You can add more visitor types as needed based on the sign-in flows you have created in Envoy. Learn more about sign-in flows here.

    2. Visitor flows that do not have access level mappings will not receive credentials.

  3. The "Customization" step allows you to finalize the integration and define basic behavior, this includes the following:

    1. Invite Only: Toggling this option on will restrict permission creation to only visitors with an invite, at time of invite. When this option is toggled off both impromptu visitors and invited visitors receive credential access, based on their Visitor Flow in Envoy.

    2. Access Duration: This is the length of time the permission will work for. After the access duration expires, the permission will be terminated.

    3. Advance Access: This option is intended for invited visitors who may need time prior to the scheduled meeting to navigate to the meeting room. This can extend to areas where visitors may need access to enter a larger building or parking garage.

    4. Datawatch email option: Toggling this option on will send out the Datawatch invite email.

Step 5: Select your Workplace options

If you already have Datawatch setup in Envoy, you can edit your existing settings under the Workplace tab under your Datawatch configuration. After enabling, go ahead and re-save the app set-up.

Options for Employee Check-in

Complete the following Options:

  1. Envoy Workplace: Check this box if your company has Envoy Workplace (Employees) enabled.

  2. Employee Exclusions: Select any employees that should be excluded from Workplace.

  3. [Not available - upon request] Badge Event - Target Access Point: Select the Access Point to use for badge events on this Envoy location.

  4. Access Management: Choose one of the following options based on your employee sign-in (see image above):

    1. Auto Check-In with Badge Swipe

    2. Register & Check-in Required for Access

  5. Click Complete Setup.

Requirements for Auto check-in with a badge swipe

1. Health check/Registration questions must be disabled. To disable questions, go here, click advanced settings under the Employee reservation flow, and disable the questionnaire.

2. Auto-sign-out must be enabled in Location Settings. If auto-sign-out is disabled, then employees will remain signed in to the workplace and will not be signed in the next day with their badge swipes.

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