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Jira Service Management

Learn how to use Envoy’s Workplace Ticketing with Jira’s Service Management

Updated over 11 months ago

What is Jira Service Management?

Jira Service Management makes it easier to categorize service requests, incidents, problems, and changes by organizing and prioritizing these requests in a single place, and keeps your team on track with goals (or service level agreements).

For more information check out Jira’s website.

Jira Service Management works with Envoy's Workplace Ticketing feature. Once you’ve successfully installed Jira Service Management your employees will automatically be able to use Jira from Envoy’s mobile app.


  • Enable employees to report workplace issues directly within the Envoy mobile app.

  • Route workplace issues from Envoy to Jira Service Management so that they can be assigned and resolved by your team.

  • Configure custom rules for syncing incidents to Jira Service Management.

How to install the app?

  1. Search for Jira Service Management in the Apps section within your Envoy Dashboard.

  2. Click Install.

  3. Grant the plugin access by clicking Authorize.

  4. Continue by clicking Next Step.

  5. Click on Connect Account to login into your Jira account.

  6. A popup window will appear for you to login using your Jira credentials.

  7. After logging in, click Accept to grant the permissions between Envoy and Jira.

  8. In the same window, create new mappings by selecting which Jira issue category to map to and select which sub-category (aka Request Types) to create the ticket under. Then click Save and Complete.

  9. When reporting an Issue on Envoy mobile, you will see the list of the categories you just created.

If you enabled Jira Service Management with Workplace Ticketing you will not be able to edit the Workplace Ticketing settings from the Envoy dashboard. You will see the following message:

We do not support drop-down fields in the Jira integration. Please remove any drop-down fields. If you try to use drop-downs, you will get an error: "Please remove the following required fields".


  • To update your categories, you must go back to Jira Service Management in the Envoy App Store.

  • The Jira Service Management app only supports fields. This is a current limitation of the Atlassian API.

  • The title of the JIRA ticket will be the category selected when creating a workplace ticket.

    • For example:

  • Due to an Atlassian limitation, any attachment added will get posted as a comment in the ticket. Atlassian is currently looking into this issue.

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