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ProWatch by Honeywell

Automatically create ProWatch entries when visitors register in Envoy

Updated over 11 months ago

How Does This App Work?

With many options to customize the flow from Envoy to ProWatch, you can configure this integration to create "Badges" in ProWatch for invites, visitors, as well as specific visitor, flows restrictions for each.


  • You must have admin access to your local ProWatch instance.

  • The local ProWatch instance must be remotely accessible by Envoy.

  • If you are electing to whitelist Envoy's dedicated IPs, any firewalls between your local ProWatch instance must be opened.

  • The following IPs must be whitelisted for inbound and outbound communication:

    • Static IP #1:

    • Static IP #2:

Envoy + Honeywell Configuration

The following steps will help you on your way with the Envoy integration for ProWatch by Honeywell.

  1. Navigate to Apps in the Envoy Dashboard

  2. Search for Honeywell, then click Install on the corresponding result

Step 1: API Access

Begin by entering the following information from ProWatch:

  1. Base URL: This is the remote URL or IP from which Envoy can access your ProWatch instance from.

  2. API Username: This is the ProWatch admin username create for Envoy to access your ProWatch instance via the API.

  3. API Password: This is the password for the ProWatch admin username created for Envoy to access your ProWatch instance via the API.

Step 2: Visitor Mapping

  1. Visitor Mapping will allow you to map ProWatch badge types to Envoy visitor flows. It's worth noting you can use the "Add Another" button to map multiple ProWatch Badge Types to Envoy Visitor Flows.

    1. Pro-Watch Company: This field is required to assign badges in ProWatch, as badges must belong to a company.

    2. Mapping: Map the visitor types to the Pro-Watch Badge types that you wish to provision to Visitors

    3. Access Duration: Choose the access duration for generated credentials

    4. Minimum/Maximum Card Number: Select the range of for card generation.

    5. Additional Options:

      1. Invite only: Credential generation requires an invite

      2. Pre-registered Visitors only

      3. Remove badge on sign-out

      4. Generate QR codes

Step 3: Workplace (Optional)

Manage Employee Access Via Envoy

Employees must check-in to Envoy and their access in Pro-watch will be enabled.

Pro-watch users are not disabled by default. In order for Envoy to toggle access, all enabled cards for employees must be set to disabled.
Toggling access will only affect cards in "disabled" or "enabled" status. Card lookup is performed based on the "email" field in Pro-Watch.

Updates of this scale can create large demand on the Pro-Watch platform as updates are pushed across your Honeywell infrastructure. For this reason, please be mindful of these bulk changes and the possible impact on your Pro-Watch integration.

Additionally, if hundreds or thousands of employees will be automatically toggled to "disabled" status at the end of the day by automatic sign-out from Envoy then unexpected bulk updates can occur and cause a similar impact as described above.

Please note: Workplace functionality relies on the email field in Pro-Watch. The employee badges in Pro-Watch must have the email field populated with an email that identically corresponds with their employee email in Envoy for this functionality to work

  1. Check the Manage Employee Access box to enable this integration

  2. Exclude Employees (Optional): Choose employees to exclude from Envoy toggling access

  3. Activate Employees on Registration (Optional): Employees who have an approved registration will be automatically activated on the day of their registration.


Step 4: Badge Fields

Badge Fields are offered by ProWatch as containers for data about ProWatch users (e.g., Phone Number). Some of these fields serve dedicated purposes, such as the badge name. However, this step will allow you to map data from Envoy visitors to specific badge fields based on your ProWatch needs.

  1. Visitor E-Mail: If the option to append the Envoy visitor's email is enabled in "Customization" then this mapping field will allow you to specify where you would like this data mapped in ProWatch badges.

  2. Visitor Phone Number: If the option to append the Envoy visitor's phone number is enabled in "Customization" then this mapping field will allow you to specify where you would like this data mapped in ProWatch badges.

  3. Visitor Flow Type: If the option to append the Envoy visitors flow is enabled in "Customization" then this mapping field will allow you to specify where you would like this data mapped in ProWatch badges.

  4. Visitor Identifier: This is the Envoy visitor identifier and it is strongly recommended that this field is mapped in such a way that it's not overwritten or otherwise modified by any other integrations you maintain in ProWatch.

  5. Envoy Messaging: If this option to append the message "Generated By Envoy" is enabled in "Customization" then this mapping field will allow you to specify where you would like this message mapped in ProWatch badges.


Should you find any part of this setup confusing or otherwise need assistance, envoy offers several routes for additional support including intercom, email ([email protected]), and a dedicated CSM which can route your support requests.

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