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AEOS by Nedap

Automatically issue access to both guests and employees with AEOS access control app for Envoy

Updated over 2 months ago

How does this app work?

This solution allows visitors to automatically receive credentials during sign-in as well as expire AEOS access control by Nedap credentials during sign-out using the AEOS API. For customers utilizing Envoy Workplace, this app also offers support to activate and suspend employee access automatically during employee sign-in and sign-out.


  • A system user with the role Administrator is required to complete the integration.

  • The following IPs should be whitelisted for inbound and outbound communication.







  • Validate the port configured within the Access It! and confirm the port is whitelisted alongside the IPs above.

  • AEOS 2021.1 Update-1 or greater

  • Ensure the following Visit Management is checked if used for Visitors.

Enabling the Envoy + AEOS app

  1. Navigate to Apps in the Envoy Dashboard

  2. Search for AEOS by Nedap

  3. Click Install on the corresponding result.

  4. API Access: Proceed to the API Access step and enter your AEOS credentials.

    1. Note: A system user with the role Administrator

  5. Unit: If Units are enabled on your AEOS instance, then select a Unit to pair with Envoy location.

  6. Visitors: This section will allow you to customize the apps behavior for Visitors' signing in through Envoy.

    1. Invite Required [Optional]: Visitors will not be registered during sign-in if this option is enabled and they do not have a previous invite.

    2. Early Access: This option allows you to specify a duration of access prior to the scheduled visitor arrival for the visitor to access the facility (e.g., parking, navigating to a meeting room, etc).

    3. Access Duration: This option allows you to specify the duration of access for visitors.

    4. Badge number designation (required by AEOS):

      1. Input a minimum card range as specified by the badge type being utilized within AEOS.

      2. Input a maximum card range as specified by the badge type being utilized within AEOS.

    5. Visitor Types to AEOS Templates: select the desired visitor to access level (template) group mapping.

      1. The drop-down menu on this step is automatically populated based on the visitor flows on the location as well as the access levels (templates) pre-configured in AEOS. If you do not see your intended groups then you must revisit your permissions within AEOS.

      2. The drop-down menu allows multiple groups per visitor type, as well as an additional visitor to group mappings with the, “add another” button.

    6. Visitor Types to AEOS Identifier Types: select the desired visitor to identifier types (badge types) group mapping.

      1. The drop-down menu on this step is automatically populated based on the visitor flows on the location as well as the identifier types (badge types) pre-configured in AEOS. If you do not see your intended configuration options then you must revisit your permissions within AEOS.

      2. The drop-down menu allows multiple groups per visitor type, as well as an additional visitor to group mappings with the, “add another” button.

    7. Block Reason: When a visitor is signed out their identifier will be blocked with a block reason. Please specify which block reason you would like to use. Note: You can create your own block reason within AEOS and name it something like "Envoy Sign Out".

  7. Workplace: Once your credentials are submitted successfully you will proceed to the Workplace step. This step allows you to customize the Net2 functionality for employees signing into Envoy through Workplace.

    1. Workplace Enabled: This option will enable all options in the section. Disabling this option will disable all options regardless of their state (e.g., "Disabled During Sign Out" toggled on).

    2. Employee Access Duration: This option will allow you to set a time period in which employee access cards are active after a successful Workplace attestation.

    3. Toggle Templates for Workplace (Optional): This option allows you to alternatively add and remove templates (access levels) for employees as they are registered and signed out through Envoy Workplace. This is if you do not want to deactivate an employee's profile, but rather programmatically update their template assignments.

    4. Exclude Employees: This option allows you to select employees to entirely exclude from Envoy Workplace functionality as part of the apps automations.

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