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Automatically create new records in Brivo when visitors and employees check in through Envoy.

Updated over 5 months ago

This integration can be used to restrict access to certain areas for visitors and automatically check in employees.

How does Brivo work with Envoy?

The Envoy + Brivo integration provides a range of options to manage access for both Visitors and Employees.

For Visitors, access can be granted to your guests with either invites or sign-ins, and Envoy will create user records in Brivo accordingly.

For Employees, Brivo access can be managed by automatically through Envoy by activating employees when they sign-in. We also offer options to track badge activity, sign-in employees based on badge swipes, and activate badges once employees have successfully checked-in to the workplace.

Envoy + Brivo Setup:


  1. Super Admin permissions are required on your Brivo Access to complete this installation. Please reach out to your IT team or the manager of your Brivo account if you need this access as Envoy can not grant permissions to your personal accounts.

  2. API KEY: you will need an Envoy specific Brivo API key. Please reach out to Brivo about acquiring this API key. Additional purchase from Brivo may be necessary.

  3. Envoy Visitors + Brivo Access: Visitors must fill out the email field in order for records to be stored in Brivo. Make sure that you have the email field required in your sign-in flow for Visitors.

  4. Envoy Workplace + Brivo Access: a custom field "Envoy Email" will be added to your Brivo user profiles automatically upon installing the integration. This field must be filled out with the email address of your employees. The email entered into the Brivo user profile custom field must also match that of the employee in the Envoy employee directory.

Brivo + Envoy Configuration

Navigate to the App store on the Envoy dashboard and install the Brivo integration.

Step 1: Info

  1. On the first step, authorize the Brivo plug-in the necessary permissions to read and write data on your Envoy company account.

  2. Enter the Brivo API key.

As noted above, you should be able to get your API key from If you need assistance with this, please reach out to your IT team or Brivo directly to obtain the key. Additional purchase from Brivo may be necessary.

Step 2: API Access

Admin ID is required to connect your Brivo account to Envoy. It can be found in your Super Administrator Brivo account profile. Click on your name in the bottom left corner of the screen and click to copy the Admin ID.

  1. Click Connect Account.

  2. Login to your Brivo account. Make sure to sign-in using Admin ID and Account Password instead of email address and password.

  3. Authorize the API.

Step 3: Workplace

Select which method of access you would to use for your employees.

1. Auto check-in with badge swipe


  1. Health check/Registration questions must be disabled. To disable questions, go here, click advanced settings under the Employee reservation flow, and disable the questionnaire.

  2. Auto-sign out must be enabled in Location Settings. If auto-sign out is disabled, then employees will remain signed in to the workplace and will not be signed-in the next day with their badge swipes.

  3. Employees must be enabled in Brivo. This method does not disable or enable access in Brivo. It signs employees into Envoy when they swipe their badge.

This method automatically signs an employee into Envoy when they swipe a badge to enter the workplace.

Envoy Workplace - Mapping: A custom field will be added to your Brivo employee profiles called "Envoy Email". This field must be filled out with the employee's email exactly as it matches in the Envoy employee directory. You also have the option of mapping another custom field, but the value too must exactly match the employee email as it is listed in the Envoy employee directory. This step is required due to Brivo API limitations.

Exclude Employees from Workplace (Optional): This step allows employees to be excluded from Workplace functionality. Setting on this page will be ignored if Workplace is not enabled.

Badge Event - Target Site: Select the site or sites where you would like badge events to be captured.

Auto Check-in and Desk Reservation

A badge swipe signs a user into Envoy whether or not they are scheduled for the day so long as their badge is active.

If there is an existing desk reservation, the employee is checked into their desk. If there are multiple desks reservations, the employee will be checked into the first desk reservation of the day.

If the account is set to automatically assign desks with employee registration [Desks > Settings], Envoy will automatically create a desk reservation and check the employee into that desk. If this setting is turned off, Envoy will sign the employee into the workspace, but they will have no desk.

2. Check-in required for access

Brivo users are not disabled by default. If using Check-in required for access and toggle user status, Brivo users (employees) must start in a disabled state. You will need to disable the employee's accounts in Brivo in order for the integration to start granting and disabling access with check-in.

Employees must check-in to Envoy before they can use their badge.

Envoy Workplace - Mapping: A custom field will be added to your Brivo employee profiles called "Envoy Email". This field must be filled out with the employee's email exactly as it matches in the Envoy employee directory. You also have the option of mapping another custom field, but the value too must exactly match the employee email as it is listed in the Envoy employee directory. This step is required due to Brivo API limitations.

Employee access duration: Choose the length of time that cleared employees will have access before it expires.

Restricted Access Method: Choose whether you would like to toggle user status in Brivo or Toggle access groups.

  • Toggle User Status - Toggle the user profile from disabled to enabled when they check-in to the workplace.

  • Toggle Access groups - User profile remains enabled, but users are granted access by being moved into a certain group or groups when they check-in.

Manage Access Groups: Select the groups that users will be moved into to adopt access permissions.

You need to have a group created in Brivo before connecting your API key. If you are trying to create a new group after the API is connected, you will need to go back to step 1 and reauthorize the API after creating the group.

Step 4: Visitors + Envoy

The Envoy + Brivo integration has to the option to automatically grant credentials to Visitors when they are either invited or sign into Envoy. The integration creates users in Brivo and assign them to a Brivo group of your choosing to grant credentials.


  1. Only Allow Invited Guests: Only grants access to Visitors that are invited.

  2. Visitor Types: Choose which sign-in flow/visitor type you would like to grant access credentials and the corresponding Brivo group.

    1. Brivo Group: Select the group that was created in Brivo. The drop-down menu allows multiple groups per visitor type, as well as an additional visitor to group mappings with the, Add Another button.

  3. Access Duration: Specify the duration invited guests receive access. This is the length of time the Brivo user’s “Effective Date” will work for.

  4. Advance Access: Allow invited guests to receive access before their scheduled arrival. This is the length of time the Brivo user’s “Effective Date” will last before the invited date and time (e.g., An invite might be for 8 PM on April 13th, but 15 minutes or even 12 hours prior to the meeting can be added to enable to the user early).

  5. Blocklist Matches: Visitors matching Blocklist entries will not be granted credentials unless their visit is approved by an admin.

  6. Sign Out Access: When this checkbox is checked, users will have their permission groups removed from Brivo during sign-out from Envoy.

  7. Longer Access PIN: If checked, the access pin generated by Envoy will be 7 characters long instead of the default of 4 characters.

  8. Send Notification: When this option is enabled, a notification (either e-mail or SMS) will be sent to the visitor with credential information.

  9. QR Code Credential: When this option is enabled visitors will be issued a QR code credential.

    1. Minimum and Maximum card ranges in addition to Facility Code, are required to issue credentials in a digital QR code format.

      1. These are card ranges are created and added to the user in Brivo. The QR code is generated from the card #. The ranges follow the format that the Brivo side has configured, such as Wiegand 26 bit which gives you a range of 0 to 65,535.

    2. An email will be sent with the QR code and facility code.

  10. Provision your visitors with mobile credentials that can be added to their Google or Apple Wallets.

    1. Check this box and mobile credentials will be sent to the Visitor.

How Envoy Visitors entries look in Brivo

In the example below, individual visitors are listed. This list can be found in Brivo under the Users > Users menu.

Envoy creates a custom field, “Envoy Email” which is used to create unique users in Brivo and prevent duplication of users. If this field is emptied on a user or removed from the custom fields the app will experience unexpected behavior.

How to set up Visitor access control via QR codes?

  1. Navigate to the Visitors step (Step 4) from the integration in the Envoy dashboard.

  2. Find QR Code Credential near the bottom.

  3. Check the box to enable the feature.

  4. Input the minimum and maximum card range, in addition to the facility code.

Minimum and maximum card ranges in addition to facility code, are required to issue credentials in a digital QR code format. These are card ranges are created and added to the user in Brivo. The QR code is generated from the card #. The ranges follow the format that the Brivo side has configured, such as Wiegand 26 bit which gives you a range of 0 to 65,535.


  • For more information on creating groups and users please refer to Brivo's guide starting on Page 70.

  • The custom attribute used must be populated with the employee's email address.

    • If you would like to use the email field within Brivo, please escalate to Brivo support as that is not supported via their API at this time.

    • In order to populate the custom attribute in mass, please contact Brivo support as this is their preferred method via their Professional Services team.

  • Testing Visitors: To test that Brivo is working correctly, create a visitor sign-in in Envoy and check the invite log. You should see Brivo information is populated.

  • Testing Employees: To test that employees is working correctly, Register for the day and sign-in. You should see that the profile gets activated and deactivated upon sign-in and sign out.

    • You can also see an access control activity log in the entry from the employee log.

  • Troubleshooting Employees

    • When enabling Workplace, the users email needs to match the custom field created by Envoy in their Brivo profile.

    • You may also need to set your profile to active or not in Brivo depending on the scenario you chose in setup. See the Access Options under Step 5 above.

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