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OnGuard by Lenel•S2

Learn more about how Envoy integrates with OnGuard to help simplify your security operations.

Updated over 2 months ago

What is OnGuard?

OnGuard is a security platform that offers applications relevant to every major industry, tools for integration with any critical business application, and the most extensive device support available anywhere.


  1. The following licenses must be added to your OnGuard subscription (additional charges may be incurred):

    1. OnGuard Software Subscription Modules: SWG-XXX

    2. OnGuard part numbers: Visitors (badging) & Protect - IPC-021-ENVY01 (needs to be purchased through a VAR)

  2. The following IPs must be whitelisted for inbound and outbound communication:



  3. Validate your on-premise URL and port for your OnGuard instance. The port will need to be whitelisted along-side the IPs listed above.

  4. OnGuard directory login credentials with Admin permissions are required in order to complete this setup.

  5. A field must be created on the User Profile named 'EMAIL' using the FormDesigner application.

How does OnGuard work with Envoy?

Envoy will send a record of every visitor who signs in on your kiosk to OnGuard to create visitors and badges, and optionally creates and signs in visits. Visits in OnGuard are assigned a cardholder (employee) for each visit record.

You can configure Envoy to apply a certain Badge type for your Envoy visitor types. You can then use all of OnGuard’s features for your visitors, such as badge provisioning, security alerts, and more.


  • Add every Envoy visitor to OnGuard as a visit record

  • Pre-configure each Envoy visitor type with a specific OnGuard Badge type

  • Stop manually logging user data in the OnGuard system

  • Automatically provide employees with building access after they’ve been approved through Workplace

Configuring OnGuard and Envoy

You’ll need to have admin permissions on your OnGuard account to manage visitors to complete this integration. Either become an administrator or ask your administrator for help before completing the next steps.

Step 1: Install the OnGuard App in the Envoy app store

  1. In your Envoy dashboard, navigate to Apps > All Apps > Access Control.

  2. Search for OnGuard and click Install.

  3. Authorize the permissions between Envoy and OnGuard.

  4. Whitelist our static IPs and

  5. Enter your on-prem IP and port, in the URL field and click Next Step.

Step 2: API Access

Input your OnGuard directory login credentials, choose a Directory and click Next Step.

Step 3: Workplace

Envoy offers two options for employee access:

  1. Auto check-in with badge-swipe

    1. A badge swipe automatically signs the employee into Envoy logging them in our Employee Log.

  2. Check-in required for access

    1. The employee signs in to Envoy via the dashboard or their mobile app, and this will toggle their corresponding user's access in OnGuard.

​Auto check-in with badge swipe


  1. Health check/Registration questions must be disabled. To disable questions, go here, click advanced settings under the Employee reservation flow, and disable the questionnaire.

  2. Auto sign-out must be enabled in Location Settings. If auto sign-out is disabled, then employees will remain signed in to the workplace and will not be signed in the next day with their badge swipes.

  3. The employee's email in the Envoy employee directory must match their email within OnGuard

Once an employee swipes their badge, they are automatically signed into Envoy. This will populate data in both the Employee log and our Occupancy Analytics.

With auto check-in, Envoy does not toggle access in OnGuard. The badges remain active and activity is tracked in Envoy.

To configure, please select the OnGuard location you would like to capture badge swipes or you have the option to capture badge swipes from all locations.

If locations are not populating here, make sure locations are created in OnGuard. To add locations in OnGuard, go to System AdministratorAdministration

List Builder Location.

We also now offer the option for employees to use their badge to check out (still in Beta). When their badge is swiped on the selected reader, they will be signed out of envoy.

How to confirm employees are being signed in via badge

In the detailed view of an employee entry within the Employee Log, there will be a "via badge event" under Checked in.

Auto Check-in and Desk Reservation

A badge swipe signs a user into Envoy whether or not they are scheduled for the day so long as their badge is active.

If there is an existing desk reservation, the employee is checked into their desk. If there are multiple desks reservations, the employee will be checked into the first desk reservation of the day.

If the account is set to automatically assign desks with employee registration [Desks > Settings], Envoy will automatically create a desk reservation and check the employee into that desk. If this setting is turned off, Envoy will sign the employee into the workspace, but they will have no desk.

​Check-in Required for Access

The employee must check-in to Envoy in order to enable access in OnGuard.


  1. Auto sign-out must be enabled in Location settings.

  2. The employee's email in the Envoy employee directory must match their email within OnGuard

    DISCLAIMER: Cardholder's badges (employees) are not disabled by default, Envoy did not take on the liability to mass disable badge access initially. In order to do this on your own, you will need to set the activation window of all employees' badges to disable your cardholders' access. In cases where an employee has multiple badges, note that all badges belonging to that employee would be enabled.


  1. Always Activate Badge

    1. If you would like the badges to have their status changed to active upon employee sign-in, please check always activate badge. Otherwise, Envoy will update the expiration date and time.

  2. Employee Access Duration

    1. Select the OnGuard access duration for the employee. Expire on sign-out is also an option here.

  3. Maintain Access Group (OPTIONAL)

    1. If you select an access group, then the employee will be assigned to this group upon sign-in and then removed upon sign-out.

  4. Maintain Access Level (OPTIONAL)

    1. Choose an access level that will assigned to the employee upon sign-in and removed from the employee upon sign-out.

Step 4: Visitors

Assign OnGuard to Visitors in the workplace.


  1. Badge Expiry: Badge expiration is set within OnGuard. Consult the OnGuard System Admin to configure badge lifetimes per badge type.

  2. Visitor Types to Badge Types: Assign Envoy some or all Visitor types to predefined Badge Types in OnGuard. This allows certain Envoy visitor types to have pre-defined access to specific doors and or elevators once you assign the visitor a hard badge.

  3. Default Badge Type (OPTIONAL): Assign a default Badge Type for any Envoy visitor type not assigned. (Leave empty to not assign a default badge type and check the box below)

  4. Do not create OnGuard visitor records for unmapped types: Choose to issue badges to registered guests only.

  5. Card Number (OPTIONAL): Choose min and max card number if badge type is set to be allocated by Envoy.

  6. Advance Access (OPTIONAL): Set the length of time visitors will have their credentials activated before their arrival.

  7. Invited Visitors Only: provision credentials for invited visitors.

  8. Create Visits in OnGuard: choose to create and sign-in a Visit in OnGuard if the Envoy host email matches a Cardholder within OnGuard.

  9. Sync Sign-outs: choose to sign-out the Visit record in OnGuard.

  10. Ignore host visitor permission: if checked, host visitor requirements for cardholder creation will be ignored.

Invites (registration)

Pre-invited guests through Envoy will get registered in OnGuard ahead of time using the arrival date and time. In order to learn more about how to create invites, we have an extensive guide here.


Real-time visitors who are not registered will typically be registered through the iPad Kiosk app. These visitors will become registered visits within OnGuard once they complete sign-in through Envoy. Alternatively, an admin can register visitors through our web Dashboard, with an extensive guide here.

How to set up access control via QR codes?

Note: Must input card range within Envoy configuration only.

How to configure within OnGuard

  1. Configure OnGuard System Settings:

    1. Open the System Administration application for OnGuard.

    2. Navigate to "Administration" -> "Cardholder Options".

    3. In the new panel, navigate to "Badge ID Allocation".

    4. In the "ID Allocation" tab, set the field "Generate Badge ID" to "Manual Entry".

  2. Ensure that any OnGuard badge types used in Envoy use "Use system settings for badge ID Allocation (Automatic)".

    1. Open the System Administration application for OnGuard.

    2. Navigate to "Administration" -> "Badge Types".

    3. In the new panel, select the target badge type. The right-side panel tab "Badge ID Allocation" should be configured so that the option "Use system settings for badge ID allocation (Manual Entry)" is selected.

How to configure within Envoy

  1. On the Visitors step, map your OnGuard badge types configured in the steps above.

  2. Input a minimum and maximum card range. Card creation happens from the Envoy system.

  3. Choose "advanced access" for pre-registered guests, and their allotted period that the QR code will work before the scheduled meeting time.

  4. Check the 1st box to enable QR codes via email format

  5. Optionally: Check the 2nd box to enable QR codes via paper badge.


OnGuard licenses:

  • OnGuard Software Subscription Modules (SWG-XXX)

OnGuard part numbers:

  • Visitors (badging) & Protect - IPC-021-ENVY01 needs to be purchased through a VAR

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