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Zapier for Visitors

Zapier is a service that helps companies connect apps to get more out of their data.

Updated over a week ago


Zapier is a service that helps users connect services to get more out of their data. Zapier's subscription services provides flexibility to automate processes, this can include the automation of tasks which are currently manual and is called a "Zap."

The power of Zapier's automation and interconnectivity depends on integrations, like Envoy! Each integration on Zapier has "Actions" and "Triggers". An action is performed by the integration, and triggers will initialize the integration. These two mechanisms allow different services to interconnect through Zapier.

How does this integration work?

With the Envoy For Visitors integration option on Zapier, you can now connect your data in an improved way.

Some of our favorite, pre-programmed examples:

  • Envoy ⇢ Google Sheets: log Envoy visitor entries to a spreadsheet

  • Envoy ⇢ Google Calendar: create Google Calendar events for all Envoy registrations

  • Envoy ⇢ Campaign Monitor/Constant Contact: add new Envoy visitors to an email list

Create your own

Fancy integrations aren't just for Envoy engineers, Zapier makes it convenient to create your own Zaps, too! Choose one of our triggers, and any action from one of their hundred of apps.

Learn more about how to create your own Zaps here.

Creating a Zap for Visitors

  1. Navigate to Zapier for Visitors in the Envoy app store.

  2. Click "Complete Setup".

  3. Sign-in to Zapier if you have not done so already.

  4. Click Create Zap at the top left of the page.

  5. Give your Zap a name.

  6. Search for Envoy for Visitors.

  7. Under Trigger pick an Envoy Event. You can choose from the following:

    1. Visitor Sign-In

    2. Visitor Sign-Out

    3. Visitor Invited

  8. If you have not already connected your Envoy account to Zapier, go ahead and add it now by signing in.

  9. Zapier will ask for several permissions in Envoy, this includes:

    1. Read Visitor Flows (Required to assign Visitor Types)

    2. Read Locations (Required to create invites)

    3. Read and Write Invites (Required to find new invites as well as create new invites)

    4. Read Visitor Entries (Required to find new visitors entries)

    5. Refresh Access (Required to maintain persistent access to Envoy)

  10. Click Continue and Test your Zap as needed.

  11. Under Action, pick the App and Event you want to connect. The example below demonstrates Google Sheets being created for Envoy Visitor Invites:

  12. Connect your accounts as needed and customize your options based on what application you are connecting.

  13. Create as many zaps as you would like between Envoy and other applications.

Creating Invites in Envoy for Visitors with Zapier

If you would prefer to have data flow into Envoy, you must begin at step 2 in Zapier and select your preferred trigger other than Envoy. Setup will proceed based on the requirements of your selection.

  1. The example below is using a Google Sheets row to trigger the action "Create Invite" in Envoy for Visitors on Zapier.

  2. Ensure both the Visitor Fields "Location ID" and "Visitor Type" are defined in order to proceed. These will represent the default values for invites created by this Zap.

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