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Magic Desk Importer

Upload Desks CSV files to an Envoy-provided sFTP and have them automatically processed in seconds.

Updated over a year ago

How does this app work?

Managing your automatically generated CSV files for Desks has never been easier. The File Process for Desks not only provides an sFTP endpoint, it will automatically process your valid CSVs immediately upon upload.

Getting Started

  1. File Processor for Desks Plugin: Navigate to Apps > All Apps.

  2. Search for Magic Desk Importer > Click on it > Click Install.

    1. Proceed to the "Credentials" Step. This will show your credentials for access to the Envoy-provided sFTP. If you ever need to reset your password simply uninstall and re-install the app; new credentials will be shown in this credentials step.

  3. Status: The Status page will show information about the most recent sFTP sync, including the timestamp, "Last Sync", and status, "Last Sync Status".

    1. Additionally, this final step provides the option to receive email alerts if there are errors during sFTP sync.


If you're an Envoy customer then you already know your support is our priority β€” whether it be through our easy-to-access intercom bubble, email, or your dedicated CSM. Whatever your preferred means of communication just know we're here to make the process as easy as possible.

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