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Webhooks allow you to create custom workflows that get triggered when certain events occur within Envoy.

Updated over a week ago

How do Webhooks work?

We will send a POST request with a JSON body to your webhook URL each time an event occurs. The body will have an “event” attribute with the event name, and a “payload” attribute with the subject of the event (either an Entry or an Invite).

Enabling Webhooks

  1. Navigate to Apps > All Apps

  2. Search for Webhooks and click "Install"

  3. Under “Events,” you can select from a number of options from the dropdown, and then input your associated “Webhook URL” to send data to.

  4. You have the flexibility to add multiple “Events” and “Webhook URLs” to accommodate all the custom workflows you wish to create.

  5. With the optional “Authorization” field, you can enter a token that we will pass back to you in the Authorization header when the event is triggered.

  6. Once you’re happy with your configuration, click “Complete Setup” and you’re good to go!

Webhook Event Definitions

  • Upcoming invited guest to visit: Triggers 24 hours in advance of the visit, +/- 10 minutes (it’s timezone aware as well), or less, if the invite is for the same day

  • qr_code_sent: Triggers regardless of if the QR code email was sent, as long as the QR code is generated in the backend. (Event built originally to pass the QR code value to be consumed by 3rd party systems.)

  • Entry block list denied: Triggers when the admin denies the person

  • Entry block list review: Triggers when the visitor matches block list criteria

Webhook Events Available

  • (Visitors) Entry sign-in

  • (Visitors) Entry sign-out

  • (Visitors) Entry block-list review

  • (Visitors) Entry block-list denied

  • (Visitors) Invite created

  • (Visitors) Invite updated

  • (Visitors) Invite removed

  • (Visitors) Upcoming invited visit

  • (Visitors) Invite QR code sent

  • (Workplace) Employee check-in created

  • (Workplace) Employee check-in updated

  • (Workplace) Upcoming employee on-site

  • (Workplace) Employee entry sign-in

  • (Workplace) Employee entry sign-out

  • (Health and Safety) Location capacity updated

  • (Workplace) Ticket created - Beta

  • (Desks) Sign-in - Beta

Note: This list is subject to change. Navigate to the Webhooks app within the Envoy Dashboard to see the most up-to-date events available.

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